Return value from iPaaS workflow step
Reviewing the documentation, it's not clear to me how this works. Is it just the name that is accessible to the workflow step?
i.e. due to the above, I would need a result called "Result" in my workflow step, and that's just a branch choice kind of thing? The comments for example, aren't accessible in the workflow?
Asked by David Tod
on Thu 2/8/24 5:15 PM
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Answers (2)
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David Tod
Fri 2/9/24 9:04 AM
For clarity's sake a couple more screenshots.
It seems like iPaaS can only return a single value (what's the point of Comments?), which only serves as a decision point, not with any actual data.
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Mark Medaugh
Fri 2/9/24 10:30 AM
Hi David,
The comments are written to the ticket feed when the workflow step completes.
Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant
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So, just to confirm my understanding, when you call an iPaaS flow, it can return a number of different "Name" options using the TDXWorkFlowResponse object, and using it's own logic, e.g. X was done in the workflow, return a TDXWorkFlowResponse object with a name of "XisDone" or if Y was done in the workflow, return a TDXWorkFlowResponse object with a name of "YisDone".
Then the workflow step has two results defined:
And the workflow can continue based on the name of the result which appear as options below Success and Failure. The comments end up in the feed. - David Tod Fri 2/9/24 12:14 PM
Then the workflow step has two results defined:
And the workflow can continue based on the name of the result which appear as options below Success and Failure. The comments end up in the feed. - David Tod Fri 2/9/24 12:14 PM