Importing Asset and the limit of people on the Owner field

Issues with the drop down on the owner field for importing assets

There is a limit of 32000 that Excel allows you to pull for an import. So I am trying to do some asset imports and when doing so the Owner table stops at the letter M. Molly Bumsted is the last person in the owner column. When I have anyone after her I have to enter them in manually.

Is there a suggestion on what I can do to have certain people not show up in a cell for the Owner? Like block deactivated employees or certain types?

Asked by Tabitha Logemann on Tue 2/6/24 12:00 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 2/6/24 12:34 PM

Hi Tabitha,

If deactivated users are appearing, have you tried marking them in Admin so they are *not* checked as an employee to see if that makes a difference?

For what it's worth, you would have to re-download the sample import template file to see if that had an impact on its listing.

Otherwise, you can just enter users in the format: Name <emailaddress> : like the import page's help description states.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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