Modifying PCT between resources on project tasks when plan is not checked out

When using waterfall plan schedules in the Projects application, I am only able to edit/modify the resource allocation percentage on a task with multiple resources assigned when the plan is not checked out. When the plan is checked out and I am doing my other work on it, the option to edit the resource allocation in the "resources" tab is not there. 
Is this expected behaviour or a bug? If expected, can you explain why?

Asked by Kim Rathbone on Thu 2/1/24 12:48 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 2/1/24 1:45 PM

Hello Kim,

I do know it is expected, however I'm unsure exactly on the "why" as that is slightly more of a philosophical answer. I'll ask Product Management for you.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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