automated way to send all tickets within a report a comment, or email to the ticket submitter


I run reports each week to cleanup several statuses.  In each of these reports, I go through each ticket and post a comment to the submitter.  

Is there any kind of option or work around to automate sending the same comment to each ticket within the report, or sending an email to each ticket submitter?

Basically, I am asking if there is a way to handle a volume of tickets versus one at a time?

Shannon Sharon

Asked by Shannon Sharon on Fri 1/26/24 1:09 PM
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Answers (3)

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Brittany Renn Fri 1/26/24 1:17 PM

Hi Shannon, 

There's not a way to do this from within a report but if you can filter down to the tickets in question from the standard TDNext Tickets view (TDNext > Ticket App > Tickets), you can select multiple tickets and then go to Actions > Update or Actions > Comment and post to the tickets in mass from there. 

Not sure if it helps or not but if you wanted to see a feature where you can also do this from within the context of a ticket report, I'd suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request:

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

Shannon Sharon Fri 1/26/24 2:03 PM

Thank you, both!  This is very helpful and a big time saver for me:)

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David Tod Fri 1/26/24 1:28 PM

A bit more detail: You can also save a search and do mass updates from the search results screen using the actions button. Being able to do it from a ticket report would be game changing.

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