Username changes via import


About 700 personal email addresses where imported under the heading of "username" in a very large import (100,000) from with TDAdmin.  I made the correction in the import file for the 700 with the school email in the "username" column. However, after successful import, the username has not changed in TDAdmin. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Tags change username
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Tue 1/23/24 1:33 PM Last edited Tue 1/23/24 4:36 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 1/24/24 9:08 AM

Hello Michael,

Actually, the user import feature is not able to change Usernames via import. They are an important identifier for accounts, so we do not allow them to be changed via import.

Sadly, there isn't a bulk Username update feature in the UI either, but if you were to write a script to iterate through the UIDs of those persons, GET their accounts, then send the full person's JSON object of their account back with the change to their Authentication username value (you can't change the regular Username of an account in any way other than manually) you can at least get the Auth usernames changed in some sort of automated way.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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