Remove User Access to Desktop

Is it possible to remove a user's access to a desktop without deleting the template?0

I've removed TDNext access and technician license so the user cannot get to the desktop, but we would like to also remove the user's access to the desktop.

Tags sharing-desktops
Asked by Percevial Murphy on Mon 1/22/24 10:41 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 1/22/24 11:05 AM

Hello Percevial,

If the user no longer has TDNext access, they cannot access the desktop in question, but the only other way to remove it would be to go into their account in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users, go to their Desktops section, and remove the desktop from their account directly.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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When following your steps the remove step reads Delete versus remove so I want to make sure this isn't deleting the shared desktop. - Percevial Murphy Mon 1/22/24 11:24 AM
When you are on a User's account like that, all you are doing is deleting the desktop from their account's list of available desktops. There is an entirely different area of TDAdmin dedicated to managing the actual desktops/templates that that desktop came from. - Mark Sayers Mon 1/22/24 11:29 AM