People Import

Can someone tell how TDX matches users when a import occurs and user is already in the system for update? 

Some students only currently have a personal email that I need to use for Username, Primary email and Alert email. However, in the future when the process is automated, I want their email to replace all 3. 

Tags user import matching
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Mon 1/22/24 9:49 AM
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Brittany Renn Mon 1/22/24 10:08 AM

Hi Michael, 

The People Import matches on Username, Auth Username, Org ID, & Primary Email Address. There's also a section dedicated to updating existing records in the KB below, which might help as well: 

Hope this helps! 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Hi Brittany,

Username should be able to be changed via file import in admin right? I know I can change it manually.
- Michael Rodriguez Tue 1/23/24 2:12 PM
Hi Michael, unfortunately username (either one) is not changeable via import. - Mark Sayers Wed 1/24/24 9:19 AM