Have a User with Type "Contact"


I have a user with Type "Contact."  I created this user myself last year, but I don't know how he got that type.  In any case, it doesn't appear I can make any changes to his record.  Should I create him again with the correct information?

Asked by Sheila McBride on Tue 1/16/24 1:11 PM Last edited Tue 1/16/24 1:11 PM
Okay, thanks. - Sheila McBride Tue 1/16/24 1:29 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 1/16/24 1:28 PM

Hello Sheila,

There is no way to promote a Contact to a User or Customer, unfortunately. You'll want to create him fresh in TDAdmin as a User or Customer, whichever is appropriate.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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