Portal "Admin" Operation

Please see below; when I click on a Ticketing application and select "Admin" from the management gear, I am taken to the admin page for that application.  However, when I do the same for a service portal application, I am taken to the admin page of the default service portal when I was expecting to be taken to the admin page of the service portal applications.


This is important since, as we begin adding more enterprise units, we need the ability to give the unit service managers access to the portal admin page without giving them access to the entire TDAdmin backend.

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Thu 1/4/24 5:06 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 1/5/24 9:36 AM

Hello Tevis,

If a person doesn't have access to the Admin interface as an organization-wide Admin, they should not land on the page you describe.

Have you tested with an account that is configured *only* as a client portal app admin and doesn't also have Organization Administrator access?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Hi Mark, I removed the TDAdmin permissions from a user and only gave the Admin privileges to the portal, and the dropdown did take them to the specific portal admin.

This behavior is inconsistent with the other applications at the same level in the structure. For example, selecting Admin from any ticketing application takes the person to the ticketing application admin page, even if they have TDAdmin access. This is a major issue, just a bit confusing.

Thanks for the quick response.
- Tevis Boulware Fri 1/5/24 11:38 AM
You're welcome, I do get that it is inconsistent, but it doesn't grant non org admins privileges they shouldn't have, so I think this entails an enhancement to ask for a change. - Mark Sayers Fri 1/5/24 11:45 AM