Changing added time to a ticket, task, or issue

Is it possible to edit/change the time added to a ticket when it was done incorrectly?

Asked by Patricia Plascencia on Thu 12/21/23 2:21 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 12/21/23 2:26 PM

Hello Patricia,

The person who logged the time can go to their My Work > My Timecard, or else to the Time & Expense application to modify the entry on the appropriate week's time card.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

Blair Friesen Tue 5/14/24 4:56 PM Last edited Tue 5/14/24 4:58 PM

I don't see any way to modify the number under T&E, but I DID find it under My work, My timecard.


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