Reports for desktop

I am creating a report to pull info from 2 separate applications. I can not find the group responsible from one of the other applications though. for instance we have 2 groups named the same thing (equipment distribution) but in both applications, I know there are tickets assigned to that group in the other application but no matter what I choose to filter on, it doesn't show those tickets.

Asked by James Richard on Mon 12/4/23 3:54 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 12/4/23 4:12 PM

Hi James,

Are you building this report in the Analysis application? Because that is the only way a ticket report can be built that pulls results from multiple applications.

Further, Analysis alone does not grant you permission to report on tickets from multiple applications. You either need access to all ticket apps in question, or the security role permission to report across all app instances.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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