Bulk Upload of new Account Attributes

Our organization has over 900 active accounts/departments and we have just created two new account attributes.  We would like to assign a person as a tech representative to each department, and give the department a level number (1,2) to show the level of engagement with the client.  Is there a way to bulk upload these attributes from a spreadsheet created using analysis reports to show the attributes?

Thank you!  Chris McDaniel

Tags departments upload mass-upload bulk accountattributes
Asked by Christopher McDaniel on Thu 11/30/23 11:48 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 11/30/23 12:30 PM

Hi Christopher,

There *is* an import option for Accounts that is available via the TDNext > People application. That matches on Name. You should be able to craft at least a starting point for your Accts/Depts from TDAdmin > Organization Settings > Accounts/Departments.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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