Downloading a file from Amazon S3 Bucket

I am trying to download a file from an Amazon S3 bucket. 

I have created an Amazon S3 connector in iPaaS and configured AWS Signature credentials.  When I use the connector and credentials in a flow I can do some actions.  Get Bucket Region works, List Objects works, List Objects V2 works.  But if I try to do a Get Object I get the following error:

Re-authorization: Cannot re-authorize credentials. Unknown: . Initial response: {"?xml":{"@version":"1.0","@encoding":"UTF-8"},"Error":{"Code":"SignatureDoesNotMatch","Message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

How do I download a file from an S3 bucket?

Tags AmazonS3
Asked by Cory Morgan-Berg on Wed 11/29/23 12:15 PM Last edited Wed 11/29/23 12:16 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Medaugh Mon 12/4/23 9:28 PM

Hi Cory,

This particular error message can have a number of causes - but the first thing I would suggest is to ensure that the user related to the access key/secret key pair in your credential has "s3:GetObjectAcl" or "READ_ACP" permissions. If you've confirmed the user in question has appropriate permissions, let me know and I'll get a ticket opened and we can dig more deeply into it

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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The permissions the user I am using has are:
• GetBucketLocation
• GetObject
• DeleteObject
• PutObject
• ListBucket
I am told it is not possible to have the permissions changed for this user
- Cory Morgan-Berg Thu 12/14/23 3:27 PM
Do you have any suggestions on how I could download files from an S3 bucket?
- Cory Morgan-Berg Tue 1/2/24 2:40 PM

Brevan Jorgenson Thu 7/25/24 9:22 PM

Hello Cory,

It is nice to meet you. I am one of the new iPaaS consultants at TDX. I was working with one of your colleagues on this and wanted to post the update here in case others stumble upon it. We believe this issue should now be resolved. There was a problem with our standard Get Object was encoding the / character in path names. 

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any additional questions we can assist with. 


-Brevan Jorgenson

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Is there something I need to do to refresh the connector or something?

When I try the Get Object action I am still getting the error message:

Re-authorization: Cannot re-authorize credentials.
- Cory Morgan-Berg Fri 7/26/24 5:18 PM