Releases Changed to Service Request

I haven't done much with Releases, and I can't find any KB information.  I have a form that is configured as a Release, but when the ticket is created, the ticket is coming in as a Service Request.  I need to be able to add child tickets to the request.  How can I prevent this from happening?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Thu 11/9/23 12:12 PM
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Brittany Renn Thu 11/9/23 12:20 PM

Hi Tevis, 

Is a workflow being applied to the ticket at the time it's created by chance? 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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I found out why it is being changed. There is a workflow attached to the Release on ticket creation. How do you prevent this from happening? That is, I want to attach a workflow to a Release and want to keep it as a Release. - Tevis Boulware Thu 11/9/23 12:28 PM
You would need to set the Promotion Classification on the workflow to "Release" since all tickets with workflows assigned start a service request. - Brittany Renn Thu 11/9/23 12:30 PM
The help documentation for the Security Role states:

"The user will be able to change a ticket's classification
Allows a user to change the ticket classification (e.g. from Incident to Problem). This permission does not allow changing the classification of a ticket that is in an inactive workflow."

Should this read "...does not allow the changing the classification that is in an ACTIVE workflow"?
- Tevis Boulware Thu 11/9/23 12:31 PM
I found the reason that the release is being changed to a service request. "The classification that the ticket will be promoted to. If no classification is selected, the ticket's classification will not be changed during the workflow's execution. Note that when tickets are automatically assigned to a workflow they are automatically classified as service requests."

Do you know why it is done this way?

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Thu 11/9/23 12:36 PM
Hi Brittany, I already tried that and it doesn't work, I get the same result. How do you set a Release form/ticket to be a "Parent" at design time? - Tevis Boulware Thu 11/9/23 1:10 PM
Yes it is, and it appears that I will have to put in a webhook to look for the tickets and then apply the workflow in the IPaaS flow.

As a side note--the behavior makes no logical sense to me.
- Tevis Boulware Thu 11/9/23 1:14 PM
Is the Promotion Classification on the workflow already set to Release but the ticket isn't being promoted still? If that is the case, could you post a screenshot of the settings configured for the Workflow Promotion Classification? - Brittany Renn Thu 11/9/23 1:49 PM
Thanks, Brittany; I got the workflow and ticket configured correctly. You have to tell the workflow which step to change the classification. While I am sure there is a valid design justification for this, but I don't get it.

Thanks for the quick response.

- Tevis Boulware Thu 11/9/23 3:41 PM