Responsible field on Update Screen

Is there a way to move the (new) Responsible field on the ticket Update screen to a different location?!

It is fine where we have it on the initial/new ticket form, but the location of the field on the Update screen is a bit inconvenient and annoying.


Asked by Carmen Chastine on Wed 11/8/23 12:23 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 11/8/23 12:27 PM

Hello Carmen,

Unfortunately that field is hard-coded in place and controls do not currently exist to place it in a more customized location.

You could suggest this as an enhancement request though using this service here.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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thanks - Carmen Chastine Wed 11/8/23 12:32 PM