App Admins user/group provisioning


Should app Admins be able to add members to a group or update their notification preferences ?  Do they need to be a manager of the group and belong to that group even though they are an app admin of that application?

Sharon J.

Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Wed 11/8/23 8:53 AM
Hello Mark,
Yes. I see that the Unit/ App Admin role and the Technician User security role allow for “Modify My Managed Groups”. So does that mean the person would need to be listed as the Manager of that group in order to be able to add more users to that group and/or change group-level notification settings?

- Sharon Jarmoc Wed 11/8/23 9:45 AM
Yes, but it also means they can only take those actions within the context of the People application I believe. It does not grant them the access in TDAdmin to make group access or app access changes. - Mark Sayers Wed 11/8/23 9:48 AM
Yes. I verified with the customer that you must be a manager of that group and you can take those actions via the People application. Thank you! - Sharon Jarmoc Wed 11/8/23 4:02 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 11/8/23 9:16 AM

Hello Sharon,

App administrators cannot add more users to their app, nor can they make group management decisions (like membership additions or changing group-level notification settings).

There is a security role permission (on the main security roles) to allow them to Modify All Groups, but I'm not sure if that is what you're looking for. It would allow them to modify groups though, from the People application.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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