Need clarification on three ticket fields

I'm trying to find something that tells me what the differences are and potential uses for the following ticket fields:

Notify, Notify Other People and Other Email Addressess

Do they have to be employees?  Can they be Client users only?  Can they not even be in the system at all?  Just someone to keep in loop but will never access?

I don't see those fields listed in the Form Designer, so I'm assuming can't be used on ticket creation, only used in Update after ticket created?

Thank you

Asked by Virginia Jacob on Tue 11/7/23 9:31 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 11/7/23 9:44 AM

Hello Virginia,

Notify, and Notify Other People both allow you to select current TDX users to be notified. Specifically, Notify is for allowing you to select those persons currently associated with the ticket already, and Notify Other People allows you to choose any other person with a TDX user record to be notified.

Other Email Addresses allows you to input a comma-separated list of addresses to also be notified of that communication. These do not have to be the addresses of existing TDX users.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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