Performance Reviews


I am curious if anyone has ever used TDX for employee performance reviews? If so, could you share your process? 

Tags performance reviews
Asked by Michael Rodriguez on Mon 11/6/23 8:21 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 11/8/23 10:44 AM

Hello Michael,

I don't know that anyone has specifically used TDX for this purpose, though I imagine a ticketing app would be the place to do it as it is much easier to control access to items there than anywhere else.

You'd only give managers access to the application so they can perform their reviews (or HR or whomever it would need to be) and then the person the review is for would be named the Requestor of the ticket so they can go into the ticket from the client portal and make their notes, assuming you'd want the reviewee to see their ticket.

That's just my thought on how it might be done, it certainly isn't fleshed out fully as a process, though I could ask our Process team to chime in if you wanted.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
Thank you Mark - Michael Rodriguez Wed 11/8/23 10:37 PM
Is there any way to integrate say Docusign with TDX in a way to have attached documents send for signing? - Michael Rodriguez Wed 11/15/23 5:41 PM
The only integration I am aware of is through our iPaaS product, which needs to be purchased specifically to use. I'm not positive if your organization has access to that, but it would be the only way if possible to achieve that sort of process.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
- Mark Sayers Thu 11/16/23 9:23 AM
Mark could you elaborate on how iPaaS could integrate with DocuSign and how that workflow would roughly look like. I have zero experience with iPaaS. - Michael Rodriguez Mon 11/20/23 5:55 PM
Hi Michael,

There are a lot of ways that iPaaS could interact with DocuSign. You could have a TeamDynamix ticket workflow, which would be applied when the new review ticket was created. One of the steps in the TeamDynamix workflow would be to call iPaaS. When iPaaS was triggered, it could use the DocuSign API to reach out to the reviewee (the person being reviewed) with a DocuSign for them to sign off on.

All this said, while it's definitely possible to use TeamDynamix tickets + iPaaS/DocuSign to achieve this purpose, there are other HR tools and platforms that are specifically made for employee reviews. It may be a good idea to look into those first, as you will likely have a better user experience using a tool specifically designed for that purpose.

Also, it may be helpful to arrange a full demo of iPaaS so you can get a better sense of how it works and what it can do. Would you like us to reach out to your Customer Success representatives to arrange one for you?
- Carrie Willis Tue 11/21/23 9:47 AM