Teams Integrations - Do clients have any access to search for their tickets or services, kbs?

Hello, I'm investigating the Teams Integration. The demo I found in the KB here is a couple years old, so I wanted to ask if since then if there's been any updates that would include allowing clients to have the ability to use this integration to search for the tickets they've requested, or to search for a kb or service related to something they may need help with. 

Thank you!

Asked by Annie Adkins on Fri 11/3/23 2:59 PM
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Brittany Renn Fri 11/3/23 3:20 PM

Hi Annie, 

If you have the Teams Integration, you should be able to select it in the chat toolbar and then search for items (tickets, articles, etc.) by title I believe. 

Hope this helps! 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Hi Brittan, we don't have it integrated yet... we're still reviewing it for use. So just to clarify, I'm trying to ask if those setup in TDX as a client have access to use, not just techs? - Annie Adkins Mon 11/6/23 10:06 AM
The TDX integration for Teams is intended for TeamDynamix TDNext users, so it would require users to have a Technician License or above. - Brittany Renn Mon 11/6/23 10:09 AM
Thank you! - Annie Adkins Mon 11/6/23 4:02 PM