Multiple Locations Attached to Single Ticket

We use the location and room attributes on many of our ticket forms, but we are looking for a way to attach more than one room to a single ticket. For example, we might have a change request to update the equipment in 5 different classrooms. I'd rather not run 5 individual tickets for this request, but I would like to be able to see this ticket when I look at the ticket feed for each of those rooms. 

Tags rooms location-room
Asked by Patrick Lisk on Wed 11/1/23 3:34 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 11/1/23 3:36 PM

Hello Patrick,

You *can* certainly have more than one custom Location/Room type attribute on your ticketing form. I don't know that custom attributes for a Location/Room field does link the room to the ticket the way the baked-in field does though. I'll need to confirm that.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I confirmed that a custom Location/Room field does not create the inherent link between the ticket and that location/room. It just allows you to click through to it from the ticket. Only the baked-in Location/Room field makes this connection. - Mark Sayers Wed 11/1/23 4:02 PM