tags on tasks?

Tags on tickets is extremely useful. Only thing: it would be nice if we could also use tags on Tasks so we could leverage those tags when searching for tasks.



Asked by Amos Gouaux on Wed 11/1/23 11:46 AM
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Answers (2)

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Brittany Renn Wed 11/1/23 11:53 AM

Hi Amos, 

I understand! I would suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request so this kind of feature can be considered for future versions: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2148

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Mark Sayers Wed 11/1/23 11:54 AM

Hello Amos,

Unfortunately ticket tasks cannot themselves have Tags. Their root ticket can have tags, but tasks are not built currently to use them.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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