Can you change what group a task on a ticket is assigned to?

We've encountered some cases in a workflow, where we occasionally will change who an active task is assigned to, but have not found a way to change the responsible group as well. Is this something we are able to do?

Asked by Annie Adkins on Mon 10/30/23 4:35 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 10/30/23 4:42 PM

Hello Annie,

If you change the assignment of a task, that *is* changing the responsible value of the task. If the new person is a member of the "old" group originally associated with the ticket task, it will stay associated/linked to that old group due to the sticky groups feature designed to keep associations of items with the original group as needed.

The only way to change the group piece of the association is if the new person is not a member of the group formerly associated with that task, OR if you just assign it directly to a new group instead of a person.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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