Email Monitors - Carbon Copy

We are currently facing an issue where the emails sent to an email account with a monitor on it does not pass through the carbon copy names. Is there a way that it would pass through the information so they can add those individuals to the ticket so they also get the email replies?

Asked by Justin Goode on Mon 10/30/23 3:32 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 10/30/23 3:48 PM

Did you configure that ticketing application to add folks included on the CC line as contacts? The setting would be in the Settings section of that ticketing app's Admin interface. The setting is called "Add Contacts from additional email recipients"

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Yes, I have this setting checked. - Justin Goode Mon 10/30/23 3:58 PM
And you're sure the emails in question are utilizing the CC line and not just adding extra emails onto the "To" line? - Mark Sayers Mon 10/30/23 3:59 PM