Import new locations list

I was not part of setting up our TDX instance but we need to redo our complete list of locations, What would be the easiest way to delete and then if so can i import a new list in bulk?

Asked by James Richard on Thu 10/26/23 8:28 AM
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Brittany Renn Thu 10/26/23 9:16 AM

Hi James, 

Locations can really only be deleted from TDNext. There is an API endpoint that can delete Rooms, but you'd still have to go into TDNext and delete the actual locations I believe. That delete room endpoint should be:{id}/rooms/{roomId}

Let me know if you have further questions! 

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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What about importing new locations? Would I have to create new ones individually? - James Richard Thu 10/26/23 9:20 AM
No, you can import new locations into TDNext > Asset App > Import. Under that Import dropdown, there should be options for Location Import & Location Room Import. If you select either of those, the popup window should supply you with an example template that you can download and start with as well. - Brittany Renn Thu 10/26/23 9:23 AM