Time Types When Updating Tickets/Projects

Hello, I searched for this but couldn't find the answer. What determines the time types that will be available for a ticket/project? We have a time type that is only assigned to one ticket type and one project type. It seems that if a ticket comes in with a different ticket type, we change then change it, the time types associated with the original ticket type are the only ones available, the time types associated with the updated ticket type are not. Is that expected or are we just doing something wrong? Also, when a ticket is converted to a task, what time types should we expect to be available? Those from the ticket type or those from the project type? I hope that makes sense. Please let me know what questions you have for me. Thank you!

Asked by Rachel Renckly on Tue 10/24/23 10:31 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 10/24/23 11:30 AM

Hello Rachel,

A ticket/project by default only has the time types that were associated with the original Ticket Type/Project Type the item was created with. Changes to their Type value do not carry over any Time Types that are associated with that newest Type value in TDAdmin. You have to manually add the new Time Types if they are needed.

When a ticket is converted to a task I believe the ticket record still remains and can be interacted with after the task has completed. You can enter time against either the task on the project or against the Ticket directly.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you Mark! Is there a knowledge base on how to add the time types manually? I would add it to that specific ticket? I know how to add them to the types from Admin but we would want it for just that one ticket. We've also found that once a ticket is converted to a task we can't update the ticket at all (updates or time). - Rachel Renckly Tue 10/24/23 11:35 AM
I don't see a KB on that topic, but you do it via the T&E tab of the ticket. There is a Gear/Manage button in the upper right of the tab to allow you to add new time types to the ticket.

Yes you do it on the ticket manually/directly.
- Mark Sayers Tue 10/24/23 12:03 PM
Perfect! Thank you for all the information, Mark! One more question, is there a way to manually add a time type to a project (like we can for a ticket)? - Rachel Renckly Tue 10/24/23 1:18 PM
I found where I can add it to a project. I'm all set. Thank you for all your help Mark! - Rachel Renckly Tue 10/24/23 1:24 PM