Integrating TD and Jira

Good Morning,

Is there any documentation or recommendations that you may have when working with Jira and integrating that with TD?

Thank you,


Asked by Randi Buckley on Tue 10/24/23 10:03 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 10/24/23 10:38 AM

Hello Randi,

I don't have any documentation specifically on pulling assets from Jira into TDX, however there is an iPaaS connector (if you purchased that feature in the future) to allow iPaaS to connect to Jira and pull data from it.

As you can see ( here ) the list of things that we have mentioning Jira is fairly limited outside of that iPaaS connector capability.

Is there something specific though that you're trying to acheive that our SCCM import utility can't achieve?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you, Mark! I am sharing with Eddy as he is working on that integration. He may be in touch.
- Randi Buckley Tue 10/24/23 12:02 PM