People Application Access

When we first implemented TDX ticketing, we left the People application off for most of our technician roles. Basically, only admins and our Service Desk techs have the People app as well as a permission to create a new user. 
My question is, can we add the People app without risk as long as we do not add any people permissions in the security roles? We want everyone to be able to view people and ticket data, but not be to edit people data. 


Asked by Bret Swart on Mon 10/23/23 4:22 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 10/23/23 4:24 PM

Hello Bret,

Yes you can add the People app so they can access user records without giving them permissions to edit or create new records.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Perfect. Thanks! - Bret Swart Mon 10/23/23 4:25 PM