Automatically Update Ticket Status Question


We are looking for a way to have a ticket's status be automatically updated from "Pending User" to "Open" once a user replies to us. For example, we need more information on a ticket so we update the ticket to Pending User and ask the end user for more information. Once they write back, the ticket's status gets automatically changed by the system to Open.

Is it possible to do this? I've been looking for a setting to enable that would do this but I haven't been able to find one.

Thank you!

Tags tickets status
Asked by Riley Fay on Fri 10/20/23 4:20 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 10/20/23 4:25 PM

Hello Riley,

This sounds like utilizing the ticket On Hold settings. When a ticket is placed on hold, it will stay that way until commented upon per your ticketing application settings. 

You can read more about the ticketing app's on hold settings in this article here:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hmm. That's close, Mark but we're looking to do it with tickets that have a status of Pending User and not On Hold. Those two are used very differently in our department. Is there a way to do that same thing but with tickets that have a Pending User status or no? Would that need to be an enhancement request? - Riley Fay Fri 10/20/23 4:29 PM
Not if "Pending User" wouldn't just be the status name of an On Hold classified status.

There's nothing else that just automatically shifts a ticket into a certain status once a client replies to a ticket.
- Mark Sayers Fri 10/20/23 4:31 PM