Set Alert on User/Person

Hello is it possible to set any sort of alert on a user for when they submit a ticket. Mainly for when certain people are asking for requests to be tracked for certain users. 



Asked by Nicholas Tumbleson on Thu 10/19/23 3:49 PM
Do you mean, an alert that will pop when a specific requestor submits a ticket? I could see that being handy. - Rebecca Relkov Tue 10/24/23 6:16 PM
Yes, that is what I'm going for. I am thinking that it will be easier to use a custom user attribute that we could have multiple options for, then tie that to a report (either an emailed one or just one setup on a desktop report). - Nicholas Tumbleson Wed 10/25/23 10:09 AM
If you find something that works or have an enhancement idea, feel free to reach out, I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with. - Rebecca Relkov Fri 10/27/23 4:32 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
David Tod Thu 10/19/23 3:54 PM

You can set a Request Priority on specific users and then create reports, etc. on that flag.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
I'm not seeing a filter for Request Priority to use to make a report. - Nicholas Tumbleson Fri 10/20/23 9:39 AM

Mark Sayers Thu 10/19/23 4:12 PM

Yes, what David stated is what we would have suggested as an initial step you could take.



Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I'm not seeing a filter for Request Priority to use to make a report. - Nicholas Tumbleson Fri 10/20/23 9:40 AM
No, but that requestor's priority sets the Priority value on the ticket automatically, so you can just filter for those specific Priority values on the ticket itself and see which tickets have those Priorities currently to ensure they receive appropriate levels of attention. - Mark Sayers Fri 10/20/23 10:06 AM