Add event tickets to an event calendar


We set up a ticket type for Event setup requests. Will usually have an event date, event start time, event end time, and what resources they would need from us (data projector, wireless mics, speakers, etc)

Could I get your suggestions on how to gather all these event tickets and display them in a calendar view so we know how to plan things out? If not sure if this is possible with TeamDynamix calendar or if we can integrate this with Outlook.  

Tags integration calendar calendar-event
Asked by Jimmy Luong on Wed 10/18/23 6:31 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 10/19/23 9:22 AM

Hello Jimmy,

This should be possible with the TeamDynamix Calendar if your ticket form is using the standard Start and Due date fields. If you make sure at least the Start date field has a value, then the ticket should show up on your Ticket Calendar in your ticketing application. You *may* have to make sure the calendar page is filtered to display the classification of ticket that you use for these types of requests.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi I am able to add the event to the calendar by going to the ticket and use "Action -> Add to calendar". Is there a way to automate event tickets to show up in the calendar? - Jimmy Luong Thu 10/26/23 4:00 PM
Not in the main Calendar application, but the Ticket Calendar in your ticketing application already adds tickets there by default if they have a value in either of the standard fields for Start Date or Due Date. It does not recognize custom date field attributes to add tickets to the calendar though! - Mark Sayers Thu 10/26/23 4:07 PM
Hmm.. maybe it's my permissions. I don't see a Ticket Calendar in my ticket application. Anyway you can screenshot this so I can show to the admin here? - Jimmy Luong Thu 10/26/23 4:09 PM
Nm.. I do see it. it's under Standard Reports. - Jimmy Luong Thu 10/26/23 4:11 PM
Mark, I see the ticket calendar and I see what you mean by making sure to have the standard fields for Start or Due Date. How can I share or publish this calendar? Can I have this calendar view on the TDX Desktop for a whole team? - Jimmy Luong Thu 10/26/23 4:41 PM
Unfortunately a calendar cannot be added to a desktop directly, no.

Other users of the same ticketing app can see it by just clicking the Ticket Calendar option when they are accessing that application.
- Mark Sayers Thu 10/26/23 4:45 PM
Hi Mark, our custom "Event Date" is a date/time attribute. If we use the standard "Start Date", there is no way to select Time. I wish there is time attribute instead of date/time. Is a text field the only other option to capture time? - Jimmy Luong Thu 10/26/23 7:38 PM
I would think so, yes. The standard field just doesn't include a "time" component. - Mark Sayers Fri 10/27/23 9:33 AM