Flow logs not showing

Please see below.  I have a sub flow in an application that logs errors and the success of the subflow execution.  However, when the primary main control flow, all the sub-flow logs show in the Application Log section, where I would expect them to show in the sub-flow log section as well.


Is this occurring since the flow that is logging the information is a "sub flow"?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Tue 10/17/23 6:18 PM
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Mark Medaugh Thu 10/19/23 10:55 AM

Hi Tevis,

Thanks for the question! A quick follow-up just so I can research fully: is the Send Access Granted Notifications also called as a subflow from another flow? If so, could you provide the trail of flows back to whatever flow initiates the process?

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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Yes, the sequence is:

Form: Add Technician By Mirror
Main Flow: Add Technician By Mirror
Subflow: Send Access Granted Notifications (logs result)
Sublflow: Send Email (logs result)

All the logs are executed but posted in the TDX People/Access Operations log listing.

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Thu 10/19/23 11:40 AM
The formatting didn't really show that Send Access Granted Notification is a subflow of Add Technician by Mirror, and Send Email is a subflow of Send Access Granted Notification. - Tevis Boulware Thu 10/19/23 11:41 AM