Changing format of emailed ticket report

Hello, we've started sending automated ticket reports to our departments.   We attach and HTML formatted list of the open and in process tickets.

The report works fine, but the recipients receive the email message below.

They are getting confused by the TDNext link at the bottom.  They think that is the report and not the attachment (even though the details DOES say the report is attached).

Is there any way to remove that TDNext link?   The link is to the settings of the report and the recipients don't have access to that so they get an Access Denied error.



From: ACES Servicedesk <>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 12:04 PM
To: Moyle, Jim <>
Subject: Automated Report Delivery: ACES at Chase Ticket Review



The report you requested has been generated and attached to this email. It contains 47 rows.


Automated Report Delivery


ACES at Chase Ticket Review


Tickets by Technician


Mon 10/16/23 12:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time





This is a system-generated email.


Please do not reply to this email.

Asked by James Moyle on Mon 10/16/23 3:03 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 10/16/23 3:05 PM

Hi James, 

Unfortunately, it isn't currently possible to edit the Report Delivery notification template. I would suggest submitting this as an Enhancement Request so this kind of feature can be considered for future versions:

Brittany Renn
​​​​​​​TDX Support

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Thanks Brittany. I had looked through the system and didn't see any editable templates for the emailed reports so I didn't think it was possible.
Thank you for checking. I'll put in an enhancement request.
- James Moyle Mon 10/16/23 3:09 PM