How to Assign Responsibility of the ticket in a Form

When I create my form, "Responsible" is not a built in option.  I want the person filling out the form to choose who is responsible for the ticket.

When I create an attribute that is named "Responsible," it doesn't actually assign the ticket to that person.

How can I get the ticket assigned to a person listed in the form as responsible?

Thanks for the help.

Asked by Ryan Clarke on Wed 10/11/23 12:47 PM Last edited Wed 10/11/23 12:47 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 10/11/23 1:09 PM

Hello Ryan,

Responsible should be a field that is available for ticket forms and can be made visible in the client portal.

Is it possible you've renamed that field on the form in question with a custom name?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
If you look at my screenshots, you can see that "responsible" is not available to choose. - Ryan Clarke Wed 10/11/23 3:33 PM
You/someone renamed the Responsible field. It is currently listed as "Approval Group" in that form. You can confirm this by clicking on the "Edit" link for that field. - Mark Sayers Wed 10/11/23 3:39 PM