API TicketFeedEntry.Notify


"The list of email addresses to notify. Generally speaking, these values should correspond with the property of a , but other email addresses may be included as well."

There is no help item for how to determine "the property of a ". 

e.g. How would we we notify the Requestor and the Historical Responsible Group(s)?

Asked by Scott Cory on Thu 10/5/23 1:16 PM
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Answers (2)

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Scott Cory Thu 10/5/23 2:52 PM

So if an external app is updating a ticket (.../TDWebApi/api/{appId}/tickets/{id}/feed), is there a way that the request body can notify all contacts on the ticket, without specifically including their email addresses?

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Unfortunately no, you do have to know those email addresses. - Mark Sayers Thu 10/5/23 3:02 PM
What would the JSON "Notification" line be if we know the email addresses? - Scott Cory Thu 10/5/23 3:14 PM
It would be an array of comma separated email addresses, like so:

- Mark Sayers Thu 10/5/23 3:19 PM
I thought of one more question: Do the email addresses have to be recognized as TeamDynamix Users, or can we include another email address (such as a distribution group email address) in the array? - Scott Cory Thu 10/5/23 6:44 PM
I thought it did support notifying an address that doesn't coincide with existing TDX accounts, but I could be wrong on that point. Have you tested it yet? - Mark Sayers Fri 10/6/23 9:17 AM

Mark Sayers Thu 10/5/23 2:45 PM

Hi Scott,

It is saying these generally would correspond with the email address values of the Requestor or the Responsible parties or the other Contacts on the ticket. So it's just pointing to the email addresses of anyone who shows up as a resource on the ticket's People tab.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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