How to get a list of users in an application using the API

Is it possible to get a list of users that belong to an application, using the API?

I tried creating a report but I couldn't find a filter based on the application.
None of the API endpoints give me a list of users and the applications they belong to.

Only way I could find was to pull each user individually in the API but that's not feasible since we have over 80k users.

We have a client portal application that's only available to certain employees. I was hoping to automate the addition / removal of employees from the application.
Does anyone have any other ideas?

Asked by Ashbinder Saini on Thu 10/5/23 4:59 AM
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Brittany Renn Thu 10/5/23 9:26 AM

Hi Ashbinder, 

If you're look for a quick report on who has access to client portal & who doesn't, you can start in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users and then use the green filter button in the top right to filter down users. There should be a section called Applications where you can filter on "Has Application" and "Does not have Application." 

For automating the process of adding/removing users to that portal, we have a KB article that outlines using the TDWebAPI People Import to sync users: 

I feel like using that utility would probably be the best option to achieve what you're aiming for. Let me know if you have further questions! 


Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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