Preventing People From Seeing Tickets they shouldn't have access to

See the screen capture below.  We have a Security Ticket application that is restricted to staff in the Security Office.  However, users who do not have access to the Security Tickets application can see these tickets if they do a Search.  For example, the following shows a search using a person's "duckid" and it seems anyone doing a search can view these tickets.  What security setting is required to prevent unauthorized people from seeing these tickets in a search?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Tue 10/3/23 2:21 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 10/3/23 2:39 PM

Hello Tevis,

Does the person in question have Analysis app access?

Further, does their security role have permission to see results across app instances in Analysis?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback
Hi Mark, thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, on both questions. If the "View All Application Instances in Analysis" setting is disabled, will the user still be able to see the applications they can access? (I assume so, but just checking)>

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Tue 10/3/23 2:57 PM
That should be the case, yes. - Mark Sayers Tue 10/3/23 3:03 PM