Specific Ticket Task ID from Workflow Response Body


Is there a way to get a specific Ticket Task ID from the response body of a Get Ticket web service method in a workflow?  The goal is to update only a specific ticket task description with information from the ticket.

PUT: https://mysupport.domain.edu/TDWebApi/api/{appId}/tickets/{ticketId}/tasks/{id}

Asked by Scott Cory on Fri 9/29/23 3:59 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 9/29/23 4:02 PM

Hello Scott,

Without iPaaS, there likely isn't a *reliable* way to do this. Maybe, if it is always the first task in the ticket's Task list, you could get at it by referencing the task array's 0 index position to get the first task object's ID.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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