emailing to a cell phone

I would like to set up a "generic" user within teamdynamix that only has basically an alert/notification email and will only be used in a workflow so that we can notify someone when there is an urgent maintenance ticket come into our queue.    Is this allowed in TDX?  Will it cause any issues?    I can create a password - and it really isn't going to be signed into - only used like I said in a workflow notification.     I have experimented with using the cellphone@provider email address in my notification flow by physically changing this field with the people (user) record and it works.  But then all notifications from tdx goes to the cell and not just the urgent ones.   Please advise 

Asked by Darla Bury on Wed 9/27/23 3:19 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 9/27/23 3:24 PM

Hello Darla,

Yes this is permissible for sure. Just give it a name that obvious that it is a service type account and it will be fine.

As for the routing of notifications in the right scenario, that may require further troubleshooting and knowing what specifically you want to be the "trigger" to send that account an email.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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