Asset Find Report

Is there a way to take a list of Serial Numbers from an excel spreadsheet, and apply that to a filter or a report to find the asset in the system? I am trying to locate a list of 400+ assets so I can grab the Tag Number that we have associated with them.

Asked by Nick Christiansen on Tue 9/26/23 10:15 AM
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Brittany Renn Tue 9/26/23 10:26 AM

Hi Nick, 

You may be able to do this in excel by exporting your assets and comparing the spreadsheets somehow, but I don't think there would be any way to search by a list of serial numbers to find those assets within TDX. I think you'd probably have to go one by one unless you're able to filter down on some other value of the assets.

Let me know if you have further questions! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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