KB Article: Project and Portfolio Management Enhancements
Is this article maintained? I noticed some market evidence numbers on my own requests exceeded those in the article, but were not there.
With reporting & improved user experience being mentioned as strategic focal points for the TDx application, I was hoping to see some of my aged requests with high market evidence numbers on this list (see attachment), and assigned to a planned release. Personally, I see more end user benefit from adding existing data that is not present in reportable data sets vs. enhancing charts and graphs.
Answer (1)
Hi Rebecca,
Yes, that KB article should be maintained. Can you point out which tickets are in question? From what I'm seeing from the ones attached, several of the ones that do have frequent requests are outlined in that KB article:
- 23301603 is grouped under 4137882 in that KB
- 23301860 is grouped under 281390 in that KB
- 21970125 is grouped under 670875 in that KB
- 20742761 is grouped under 996371 in the KB for Reporting Enhancements: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=132275
Does that help clear things up at all?
Brittany Renn
TDX Support
Question though - didn't see this one on my list: 23301860 (is grouped under 281390 in that KB). - Rebecca Murphy Tue 9/12/23 11:52 AM
Two questions:
1. One enhancement that I didn't see mapped w/a 15 Market Evidence is #21305675: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/TicketRequests/TicketDet?TicketID=pyTkFM1tk4fPE61c~oSKFA__ (
2. Is the list of parents to children tickets available anywhere so I can periodically look at it when I look at the current enhancement lists? - Rebecca Murphy Tue 9/12/23 12:04 PM