Ticket Search

I am looking to update what is called ticket search, It should provide users creating their desktop a view at their groups queue and tickets assigned to that group.

It should look similar to these: Attachment included. 

Each of those boxes is a ticket search with a group associated with it. 

I am making a second ticket app and would like a similar setup to this. I did not make the first one. 



Asked by Justin Goode on Mon 9/11/23 12:54 PM Last edited Mon 9/11/23 12:54 PM
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Answers (2)

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Justin Goode Mon 9/11/23 3:49 PM

Ticket Searches, which would be found by your ticket users when they create a desktop can be created the following way.

Go to TDNext>Select correct ticketing application if you have more than one>(On the side panel) select "Tickets"(either one).

  • Select the Green Funnel and select the filter options you want.
    • For me I selected their group and New for status of ticket. I then made a 2nd one for the other status
  • Once filters have been set click apply (green button top of the filters pop out)
    • It will take you out of the filters pop out and run that filter you want. (if your ticketing app is new, or your group is new and doesn't have any tickets yet, that will make it a (0) value.
  • The pop out will retract and you will see your search, select "Save Search" (Green button at top)
  • This is where you can make this global so anyone can see this search in the app. Name it whatever you want that would make sense here as well.



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Justin Goode Mon 9/11/23 1:11 PM

I have found the "Saved Searches" in the ticketing app. Would be nice to have an +New button there. 

I was also told to go to TDNext in the ticketing app in question. In the app click Tickets option than choose the filters you want. I did all that but the only button that I saw after that is an "Apply" this didn't create that Ticket search, only did a search for what I already have, which is nothing.

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