iPaaS form attachments

What is the best way to iterate multiple attachments in an iPaaS flow from a submitted form? I'm using For Each and manually setting the Row with a property and incrementing every loop but it seems like there should be a better way.

Asked by JAMES HOUSEHOLDER on Sat 8/26/23 3:30 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Medaugh Mon 8/28/23 10:20 AM

Hi James,

The for each loop has a built-in iterator that can be used to tell iPaaS to use whichever row the loop is on. I've included a screenshot below demonstrating some basic uses of that iterator:

Hope this is helpful - if you have further questions on this topic, feel free to open a support ticket and we can do a deeper dive.

Mark Medaugh
Sr. Technical Consultant

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Attachment there does not resolve to a row number. That creates an error when trying to upload attachments to tdnext for a ticket. - JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Mon 9/4/23 10:51 AM