Ability to edit all projects

Is there a way to enable one person / TDAdmin user to be able to edit any/all projects from TDNext without having to add them as manager or alt manager?

We are inputting, editing and organizing 100+ projects as we try to get a PMO structure in place.  I need to use reports I've built in TDNext Analysis and to edit projects from there -- but keep on stumbling on those on which that I haven't been added as alt manager or manager.


Asked by Wendy Helm on Wed 8/23/23 12:45 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 8/23/23 1:28 PM

Hi Wendy, 

Unfortunately, there is not a permission currently for "Edit All Projects." You could give the user Analysis access and they'd be able to see all of the projects, but they'd have to be listed as a resource in order to make modifications. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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