Create a ticket from IvyQuantum end of chat transcripts

Our support team is working to configure an integration that will create a ticket in TeamDynamix for each visitor that contains their Live Chat transcript when they interact with an agent.  We were hoping to use the API, but it appears a email monitor may be the simplest route.  Do you have any other customers who have been successful with this type of API ntegration?

Asked by Scott Cory on Tue 8/15/23 4:55 PM
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Answers (2)

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Brittany Renn Wed 8/16/23 9:02 AM

Hi Scott, 

We actually have a KB article that outlines how to setup Ivy Chatbot for Ticket Submission:

Would any of those options fit your needs for this? 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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Hi Brittany,

We want the ticket to be created with the chat visitor as the Requestor. We are capturing the email address at the beginning of IQ Live Chat using a form. It is my understanding that we need to first GET: https://our.domain.tdx/TDWebApi/api/people/lookup?searchText={{userEMAIL}}&maxResults=1 to obtain the UID from the return body to use as the (RequestorUID) for the POST that creates the ticket to function this way.

Are we on the right track?
- Scott Cory Wed 8/16/23 11:10 AM
Yes, that's correct. You'd have to get the Requestor's UID to POST to the ticket for ticket creation, so I think you're on the right track for sure. I'm not sure if/what other clients are doing to accomplish this, but it may also be worth posting on our Community Site to see if others in the TDX community have already done this: - Brittany Renn Wed 8/16/23 11:20 AM

Scott Cory Fri 9/1/23 4:18 PM

Still working on this.  We are able to create a ticket now at the beginning of a Live Chat and our goal is to update the ticket at the end of chat with the transcript.  If we use this endpont:


Do we just include something like this in the body?


  "NewStatusID": "New Open or Closed Status" ,

  "Comments": "Ivy Transcript Goes Here".


Do we need to include the RequestorUid in the body also?

Would it be better to send the trancript as an attachment?

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