Mixing Public and Private Services?

Hello.  What are your recommendations for mixing public-facing services and services that require a login?

Do you have to put the public and private services in separate service catalog sections?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Mon 8/14/23 6:06 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 8/15/23 9:04 AM

Hi Tevis,

If you mean publicly requestable services vs non-publicly requestable services, you can have those in the same category of the service catalog if you wanted to.

It all is dependent on the permission of the service itself, so maybe you put something on the description of each that shows whether they can be submitted without a logon or not.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks, and that is what I did. Can you confirm these rules:

1. The containing category must be made public
2. Public-facing services in the category must allow public requesters.
3. Non-Publically requestable services in the category must not allow public requesters. This requires a customer to log in to use a non-public service.

- Tevis Boulware Tue 8/15/23 10:58 AM
#1, yes.
#2, if you are going to allow services to be requested without someone signing on, then yes it must allow public requestors.
#3, yes.
- Mark Sayers Tue 8/15/23 11:01 AM