Report Date Project Survey Sent

We have a department goal that 100% of projects have a project survey distributed @ closure.  We don't care if a response has been received or not, just that it was sent.

I looked in the data sets for both project and survey response w/in Analysis but I cannot find a way to do this.

Is it possible to identify this data?



Asked by Rebecca Murphy on Mon 8/14/23 1:42 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 8/14/23 2:23 PM

Hi Rebecca,

The Projects app has its own Survey Response report if that is what you're meaning. Unfortunately there isn't a setting that forces a survey to be selected every time you are closing a project, so you'd just have to instruct that into your PM's processes.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi there - yes, I am aware of the response report. It does have the 'Requested' date - BUT it doesn't show up on the response report until a Survey is actually complete. That doesn't help me when I just need to know if the survey was SENT at time of closure. I don't care if we got a response yet or not.

Are there options?
- Rebecca Murphy Mon 8/14/23 2:32 PM
Unfortunately nothing would show that information if the survey report didn't include it, sadly. At least not in a report interface. Did you try looking at the closed project to see if it shows that information on it? - Mark Sayers Mon 8/14/23 2:36 PM
So - when I look at the 'Survey Response' section in a project where I sent one, but didn't yet get a response ---- it DOES list all of the requested people AND a Response # for each. Why is it that those are available on the response report? If they were, I could see that something went out, and if the submitted field was blank, i would know it was not yet completed.

I'm trying to reduce manual steps by using reporting and views, and this report could do that for me if it simply showed those response #s even when a submission has not yet been made.
- Rebecca Murphy Mon 8/14/23 2:53 PM
I don't exactly know the reason why those wouldn't be on the report. You could always submit an enhancement though to ask for them to be added. - Mark Sayers Mon 8/14/23 2:58 PM