iPaaS Form code

Where can I find the code from the Workshop: Building Unique iPaaS Forms - CONVERGE 2023

Asked by JAMES HOUSEHOLDER on Fri 8/11/23 10:58 AM
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This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Michael Turner Fri 8/11/23 1:40 PM Last edited Fri 8/11/23 3:02 PM

Knowledge Base - TDX CONVERGE & iPaaS Workshops (teamdynamix.com)

This what you are looking for?

There should be a lab in Ipaas  that goes over Dynamic Forms.

No feedback
The presenter said the code from the presentation would be available in the global catalog but I don't see it. Where can I get it? - JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Fri 8/11/23 1:48 PM
Not sure where they store the Workshop code, I have only seen they videos.
This is information I have used to build ipaas forms.
- Michael Turner Fri 8/11/23 2:52 PM
I've asked about this for you and am waiting on a response. - Mark Sayers Fri 8/11/23 4:10 PM
I have gotten access to this code. Thank you. - JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Thu 8/17/23 12:08 PM
Where did you find the code at? I am interested in this as well ... thanks - Darla Bury Mon 9/18/23 1:40 PM
It is now in the Global Community Library as an application. - JAMES HOUSEHOLDER Mon 9/18/23 1:51 PM