Integration with Microsoft Entra's Lifecycle Workflows in the future?

I know this is a new feature, so I'll understand if this is something that has yet to be discussed, but is there any possibility of integrating with Microsoft Entra's new Lifecycle Workflows in the future to further enhance how workflows process? I added a link to a blog article about it.


Tags microsoft workflow azure-ad entra
Asked by Darrin Johnson, Jr. on Wed 7/26/23 3:07 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 7/26/23 3:18 PM

Hi Darrin,

We don't yet have a plan for this, but you can certainly suggest it as an idea for enhancement to let the product team know you have in interest in this:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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