CI form and associated Tickets

We are working on a project to change our CI items.  We are merging them into one form so they all use the same attributes. We were going to do an import of the CIs but realized that the association with the tickets will be lost.  Is there a way to reassociate tickets to the new CI? For example Adobe Sign with form Software has 410 tickets assigned to it. When we import the new Adobe Sign with the computer application form it won't have any tickets associated with it.  We have about 400 CIs that we are working with.  Or is the only way to touch each CI and update the form manually?  

Any help is appreciated.


Asked by Danee Gunka Schwartz on Mon 7/24/23 2:56 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 7/24/23 3:04 PM

Hello Danee,

There isn't an easy way to mass reassociate the tickets of certain assets to other assets. You'd have to do it 1 by 1, by hand in TDAdmin, but it *is* technically possible yes.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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