Software Application Information

How do you keep track of software applications that support and enable services and the various attributes on them? It seems like they should be configuration items, but standalone configuration items seem quite limited (e.g. their attributes are not accessible to workflows).

We've been looking at configuration items for things like for example, security monitoring software for which we have multiple products, and connecting that to the vendor and supporting assets, but I'm not quite seeing how it all fits together. I've seen people mention multiple asset applications, or treating applications as assets not configuration items.

We're just not very clear on the best ways to put it all together.

Asked by David Tod on Wed 7/19/23 12:59 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Wed 7/19/23 1:16 PM

Hi David,

The general advice is if you only have simple capability needs, a CI is fine. But if you need more of the asset capabilities, then you'd likely set up a product type for software (with a few sub-types if needed), and build an asset form (or few) and build out software as assets in the short term.

Let me know if that helps!

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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David Tod Wed 7/19/23 1:21 PM

Thank you.

I think it does. Can you have different types of product types, hardware and software in the same asset application, i.e. if a piece of software is running on some hardware, I assume you'd use parent-child relationships or custom defined relationships?

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You should be able to have multiple types of product types yeah. You could use either parent-child relationships or ese the custom relationships to link them to each other. - Mark Sayers Wed 7/19/23 1:23 PM